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Welcome! Here's a Quick Snapshot of My Past Projects...
Hey there. I'm Tricia Tiedemann. I'm a marketing professional by trade, but a storyteller at heart. I've written for a wide range of clients across multiple industries and niches. I specialize in direct response copy, but have written long form marketing materials, blog posts, webinars, and have directed editorial content for visual mediums. Below is just a highlight reel of a few of my favorite projects.

One of my most recent projects was the long form sales letter style copy for this event page: https://sagehub.com/tvemay2023

I had the privilege of writing the web copy for a brand new health and nutrition coach: https://www.tammysmallhealth.com/

One of my favorite clients ever launched software for life coaches in December and already have over 100 coaches using it! I wrote the copy for their free trial landing page, along with the back end nurture emails once they opt in: https://lifecoachsoftware.com/

Here's an email launch sequence I wrote for a body transformation course that resulted in over 60 registrations: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yDXUQF-9NJQcI-t0bHhAOsY64tbOHWjHfDkvLzDdkUE/edit?usp=sharing

These are two versions of a short form VSL I wrote for Facebook ad assets: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Eh9JKQqCvOunugHhMH3aDV5YxL8_g6yzGpsvLzKgVi0/edit?usp=sharing

I also like to share an example of one of the longterm projects that I feel really solidified my career as a writer. Early in my formative marketing years, only a few weeks after getting my digital marketer email, content and social media marketer certifications and starting Russell Brunson's 2CCX program, the company I was with launched a marriage course as a middle of funnel stepping stone to a higher ticket live event. 

This was my first project as a true direct response writer, and my email campaign made over $500K in less than 90 days (our list was about 40K). It was so successful, that I continued to write regular nurture emails about marriage to the list for the next couple years and grew just our marriage segment to over 30K contacts. My writing has evolved and I believe I'm a much stronger writer now 3 years later, but I wanted to share a couple of the emails I wrote after lockdowns started in 2020: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VKQBOWqeqnXLiG2Zaj_aKb0tId2FZ8-TWxHIlR4Add0/edit?usp=sharing